Our Story

A brief introduction to the team behind Sonderplan and the story of why we created it in the first place


Our founder, Tim Mohr is an entrepreneur who started writing the original code of Sonderplan (previously known as FoxOMS) more than 15 years ago. Tim started with the goal of creating a more affordable and beautiful alternative to the bloated and legacy scheduling tools that were available.

FoxOMS started as a simple calendar based resource booking tool, but gradually evolved into the comprehensive scheduling tool that it is today. Featuring advanced resource scheduling, project management, quoting, invoicing and integration features, FoxOMS now powers more than 200 small and large companies worldwide.

In mid 2021, we started work on Sonderplan which is a complete rewrite and reimagining of our scheduling platform. We’ve implemented many frequently requested features, such as downloadable clients, project timeline scheduling and of course the ever popular dark mode.